When God Turns Your Favorite Person into a Life Lesson

Many people come and go in our lives, and soon, we too forget them and move on with our daily routines.

However, when the people we love the most leave us, they leave a lasting impression on our hearts. Yes, when that most favorite person in your life departs, the journey is often hard and painful. Yet, this journey transforms you, teaching valuable lessons from the wounds left behind.

But why does this happen? Why does God turn your favorite person into a lesson? What is the purpose of the pain you must endure when God suddenly separates you from your loved one? Is the universe signaling something to you? Well, let’s find out today..

When God Turns Your Favorite Person into a Lesson:

Whether it’s your spouse, lover, friend, or family member, the person you are thinking of while reading this, is the one who may have shattered your heart into pieces. Well, No matter how strong the bond, sometimes even the most loved person in our lives can no longer be there for us. That’s when it can feel like a curse, betrayal, or even a punishment from God.

You keep questioning, WHY.. Why did God do this to you? Why did God turn the most important person in your life into an unforgettable lesson? Why does it feel like God betrayed you by disconnecting you from your loved one?

But before we delve into that, I’ll share my personal story.

She was my childhood friend..

Although we weren’t that close as kids, we reconnected later in life at a friend’s wedding and started hanging out together.

From the moment we met again, there was something magical between us.

We began spending more and more time together, going from monthly hangouts to weekly, then daily.

I wouldn’t call it love, but it was a bond much deeper than friendship. We slowly became emotionally attached to each other. I was the first person she talked to when she had trouble, and she was my mental support whenever I felt low. There was perhaps a bit of dependency in our friendship, so we decided we were platonic soulmates, or maybe platonic twin flames.

We were so compatible that we missed each other if we didn’t talk for even one day. Soon she became the most important person in my life, and I became the same for her too. I still remember when she broke out into tears, when i once avoided wishing her a happy birthday.

Our emotions, bond, and mutual dependency continued for days, months, and years.

Until one day..

When God decided to separate us, as she had to move to another country. Neither of us had a choice. We both broke into tears, knowing things would never be the same. I felt like it was the end of a chapter in my life, losing the person I loved the most. I realized there would never be another person like her in my life.

I was stuck in emotional turmoil for almost a month, finding out ways to deal with my depression and sadness. And finally I understood that it’s all over between us. God has chosen to end this beautiful relationship and decided to turn the most closest person of my life into a big life lesson.

Although I wasn’t ready to accept this hard reality, accepting this fact helped me realize a few life lessons everyone with a broken heart must embrace.

It’s The God’s Push to become a Better Person:

Although, I’m not much into the concepts of God, but I believe the universe does what is best for us.

Whenever a problem arises in our lives, we tend to cope and learn to deal with it. This is how we become a stronger and smarter person. Had we not faced any problems, we doesn’t have the opportunity to grow or discover new things.

So, what did you learn when you let go of the most loved person in your life?

A lesson on trust? A lesson on attachment? A lesson on the impermanence of life? A lesson on how to cherish small moments before they become memories? What not, many valuable lessons, that truly transform you into a better person with a greater understanding of life.

So, when God is pushing you away from your favorite person, He is also pushing you to become a better person.

Maybe God is Asking You to See Your Life’s Purpose:

Often, when we are with our loved ones, our focus narrows to them. All your thoughts revolve around you and the person you love, which can make you forget the actual purpose of your life.

Now, when you are no longer with this person, that is when you come back to reality. You start seeing life with a broader outlook. You realize that your life isn’t just about that one person. Rather you are born on this planet to do something meaningful.

That is when you must understand that your life has a purpose beyond that relationship and start to seek your life’s true purpose.

So I do believe that if God separates you from your loved one, maybe it’s because He wants to show you that there is life beyond that person; And maybe God wants you to see that life and understand your life’s purpose.

God’s Sign to Acknowledge Other Loved Ones in Your Life:

Of course, your favorite person has left you. However you still have other people out there who are close to you. Have you thought about them? Generally, we often obsess about the ones we lost, meanwhile taking the ones still with us for granted.

So, god distances you from your favorite person, maybe it’s time to appreciate other loved ones in your life instead of taking them for granted. So, who have you taken for granted? Maybe your mother? Your father? Another friend? Or maybe even your partner? Appreciate their presence before it’s too late.

Well, these are just a few lessons I’ve personally learned from letting my dear one go. Nevertheless, if you reflect on your own separation, you’ll find more lessons to learn yourself.

So, What lesson did you embrace? What did God teach you when He separated you from your dear one? Tell me in the comments section below.

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