Tying the Red String? Recite ‘Ben Porat Yosef, Ben Porat Alei Ayin’

The red string, a powerful symbol in Kabbalah, is believed to protect us from the evil eye (ayin hara) and bring spiritual blessings. This tradition has a specific prayer at its heart, which is often called the Ben Porat Yosef prayer. This prayer invokes the blessings and protection that went with the name of Joseph, a Biblical figure who fought against great obstacles and was favourably protected by the hand of God.

Well, this red string or the Ben Porat prayer isn’t just superstition. It’s about tapping into centuries of belief and symbolism to protect yourself from harm, particularly the evil eye (ayin hara), and to bring good into your life.

Today, we’ll provide you with the full prayer in its Hebrew form, and present an English transliteration, followed by a detailed translation and explanation of the prayer’s lines, so that you can get the true meaning of this powerful prayer.

The Full Prayer in Hebrew

Here is the complete text of the Ben Porat Yosef prayer:

בֶּן פֹּרַת יוֹסֵף בֶּן פֹּרַת עֲלֵי עָיִן בָּנוֹת צָעֲדָה עֲלֵי שׁוּר
בֶּן פֹּרַת יוֹסֵף בֶּן פֹּרַת עֲלֵי עָיִן בָּנוֹת צָעֲדָה עֲלֵי שׁוּר
הַמַּלְאָךְ הַגּוֹאֵל אוֹתִי מִכָּל רַע יְבָרֵךְ אֶת הַנְּעָרִים
וְיִקָּרֵא בָהֶם שְׁמִי וְשֵׁם אֲבוֹתַי אַבְרָהָם וְיִצְחָק
וְיִדְגּוּ לָרֹב בְּקֶרֶב הָאָרֶץ

English Transliteration

For those who want to recite the prayer but are not familiar with Hebrew, here’s the transliteration:

Ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin, banot tza’adah alei shur.
Ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin, banot tza’adah alei shur.
Ha’malach ha’go’el oti mikol ra, yevarech et ha’ne’arim,
V’yikare vahem sh’mi v’shem avotai Avraham v’Yitzchak,
V’yidgu larov b’kerev ha’aretz.

Line-by-Line Translation and Explanation

The prayer is so powerful because of its layers of meaning. Each line carries more with it than just blessings; but the almost immeasurable power of faith and divine protection. So, Let’s break it down line by line:

1. “Ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin, banot tza’adah alei shur.”

Translation: “Joseph is a fruitful son, a fruitful son by a spring; daughters climbed over the wall.”

This verse is taken from Genesis 49:22, in which Jacob blessed Joseph in the image of abundance and resilience. The term fruitful son is used to describe ‘Joseph’, who has the ability to survive in the worst of situations. Having said that, the “spring” represents the Divine nourishment and protection, and “daughters climbing over the wall” may be admiration for his strength or the hardships he beat through with grace.

This line, when recited, tells us to unleash our inner resilience, and to trust the divine blessings that will flow.

2. “Ha’malach ha’go’el oti mikol ra, yevarech et ha’ne’arim.”

Translation: “The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the boys.”

This verse is part of Jacob’s blessing to Joseph’s sons (Genesis 48:16). It is a direct appeal for protection, invoking the angel that safeguarded Jacob to extend the same protection to Joseph’s descendants. It’s deeply comforting, as a reminder that there are unseen forces in support watching over us, ready to protect us from harm.

By tying this to the red string, you’re asking that same divine presence to protect you or your loved ones.

3. “V’yikare vahem sh’mi v’shem avotai Avraham v’Yitzchak.”

Translation: “Let my name be called upon them, and the name of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac.”

This line indicates a continuity of blessings passed from generation to generation. By invoking the names of Abraham and Isaac, it connects the wearer to a lineage of faith and divine promise. It’s like saying, “Let their strength and blessings flow through me.”

4. “V’yidgu larov b’kerev ha’aretz.”

Translation: “And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.”

This is a prayer for prosperity, growth and abundance. It reflects the hope that, like Joseph’s descendants, you too will flourish and multiply, even in challenging circumstances.

Why Is This Prayer Used with the Red String in Kabbalah?

1. “Ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin, banot tza'adah alei shur.” Translation: "Joseph is a fruitful son, a fruitful son by a spring; daughters climbed over the wall." 2. “Ha’malach ha’go’el oti mikol ra, yevarech et ha’ne’arim.” Translation: "The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the boys."

The red string has its roots in the Kabbalah. It’s said to ward off the evil eye, or envious, or malefic gaze, which would bring ill luck.

Having said that, the red string is pretty much closely associated with the Ben Porat Yosef prayer. Thanks to the numerous references to Joseph’s protection and the phrase “alei ayin”, literally translated to ‘above the eye’ or ’shielded from the eye’ – implying protection from the evil eye.

Hence, when the wearer recites this prayer, he or she is hoping to draw upon Joseph’s divine blessings, resilience, and immunity from harm. Well, it’s not just a ritual, it is a way to spiritually align oneself with these protective energies.

How to Use the Prayer

As already said, the Ben Porat prayer isn’t just a set of words, it’s a moment of connection with your faith, your ancestry, and the divine. Whenever you recite the verses, let them sink into you on a deeper level. Pat your back, feel the strength of Joseph (who even having been betrayed and had to suffer, received divine blessings), and take comfort in the protective embracing of divine blessings.

  1. Tie the Red String: First tie the red string around your left wrist, which we see as the receptive side in Kabbalistic tradition.
  2. Recite the Prayer: Line by line recite the Ben Porat Yosef prayer and visualize yourself or your loved ones surrounded by divine light and protection.
  3. Set an Intention: Finally take a moment to think about what you are looking for such as: protection, peace, abundance and infuse it into the string.

Remember, it’s not about perfection, it’s about intention. Tying the red string and saying this prayer makes us feel a little calm, as we’re reminding ourselves that we’re not alone in dealing with life’s problems.

Final Thoughts

In Kabbalah, reciting the Ben Porat Yosef prayer with the red string is a wonderful way to invoke protection and set yourself up with divine blessings. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself from the negativity of the world or trying to find deep inner peace, this timeless prayer reminds you of resilience, abundance & faith.

May this prayer serve you, as Joseph’s story teaches us of strength and trust in the divine plan.

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