Religion & Faith

Did William Franklin Graham Jr. Have Masonic Ties? The Truth

Did William Franklin Graham Jr. Have Masonic Ties? The Truth

William Franklin Graham Jr. also known as Billy Graham became quite popular in the Christian community and was the holder of the title of Southern Baptist Minister over the years. In the 1940s his international fame began to take off and he became a very influential figure in the evangelical Christian community. However, Billy Graham

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Does the Bible Mention Oshun? Exploring Key References & Parallels

Does the Bible Mention Oshun? Exploring Key References & Parallels

The Bible never mentions anything about Oshun, the Yoruba deity of love, fertility, and rivers. Oshun finds her place within the Yoruba religion. While there are some attention grasping parallels between Oshun’s characteristics and those from woman of the bible, closer theological consideration shows these links highlight the Bible’s unique emphasis on the sovereignty of

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1. “Ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin, banot tza'adah alei shur.” Translation: "Joseph is a fruitful son, a fruitful son by a spring; daughters climbed over the wall." 2. “Ha’malach ha’go’el oti mikol ra, yevarech et ha’ne’arim.” Translation: "The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the boys."

Tying the Red String? Recite ‘Ben Porat Yosef, Ben Porat Alei Ayin’

The red string, a powerful symbol in Kabbalah, is believed to protect us from the evil eye (ayin hara) and bring spiritual blessings. This tradition has a specific prayer at its heart, which is often called the Ben Porat Yosef prayer. This prayer invokes the blessings and protection that went with the name of Joseph,

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The Lasting Biblical Effects of Lot’s Daughters' Desperate Sinful Act

The Lasting Biblical Effects of Lot’s Daughters’ Desperate Sinful Act

The Daughters of Lot – what can I say? It is one of those biblical stories from which you just come away wondering and scratching your head. If you have read Genesis 19, which describes how Lot’s daughters did the unthinkable, you must have asked yourself why they acted that way and, more importantly, what

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Who Are the 9 Ether Beings? Exploring Their Spiritual Meaning and Origins

Who Are the 9 Ether Beings? Their Spiritual Role and Origins

Various esoteric belief systems describe a series of natural elements, usually five, that persist throughout the natural world. These elements are often described as fire, water, earth (or metal), air, and ether (sometimes called Akasha). The Ether element is considered a spiritual element that animates matter and brings consciousness. It is seen as a combination

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Did Melchizedek Die at 200 Years, or Was He Truly Immortal

Did Melchizedek Die at 200 Years, or Was He Truly Immortal?

Have you ever encountered the mysterious character, Melchizedek, while studying your Bible? His age and death are an uncracked code that left many theologians to ponder. But, Did He ever die? The name Melchizedek comes up in some key moments in biblical history, and this person has been one of fascination and debate, literally, for

Did Melchizedek Die at 200 Years, or Was He Truly Immortal? Read More »