20 Women Open Up About Encounters with Spiritual Husbands

Are you having recurrent sexual dreams lately?

Are you struggling to find peace and stability in your relationships?

If so, then it could be a spiritual spouse (interfering with you) according to certain Christian and African traditions.

Well different cultures have different beliefs about spiritual husbands/wives. Even in Christianity, this concept exists. Nevertheless all of them have a similar theme about spirit husbands – A spiritual husband or a spirit husband is a male spirit/demon that attaches to a woman, thus creating havoc in her life.

First when we heard about spirit husbands, we thought that it was simply folklore or some kind of a myth. However upon digging deeper, we came to know that there are umpteen numbers of individuals who are dealing with this phenomenon. Yes, there are many women who report battling nightmares, sleep issues, relationship issues, attributing all of them to the presence of spirit husbands. Yet, not many psychologists, nor spiritual gurus nor religious heads talk about this issue openly.

So, today we decided to put some light on this less-spoken aspect. We want to literally share all the real-life stories, experiences from real women who have encountered this phenomenon and are still seeking deliverance from spiritual husbands. So, this is what they said:

1. “For the past few years, i’ve been going to bed at night and sometimes is male presence there. it’s not every night though. but when this person is there in the dreams the dreams get sexual. it feels so real. Like, when i wake up out of my sleep, it’s almost as if i actually had sex and it feels like i finished before i woke up. Lately, the dreams haven’t been so sexual, but i remember one night this person told me their name and age and they just started speaking to me. i’d also like to add that i don’t experience these dreams unless me and my husband have problems. this last time i had a dream about this male figure, they embraced me in the dream and i’ve been in tears over it. idk what it is i’m experiencing.

– Anonymous (blank_canvas04)

2. “You know being a single mom at the age of 20, i started hustling. I definitely do pray and soon I found out that I have a spiritual husband. Then that’s when this rachel has started coming in my dream. Yes i was literally seeing in my dream. I noticed that if i pray in depth, he will not have access to me; but if i do some minor prayer, he would definitely get his way. I did all but this thing did not stop. I knew that this one has been living with me for so long that i don’t even know. It’s like he’s so comfortable in my body.

– Fawcett (Courtesy Tutu Jesus baby)

3. “My daughter is attacked by spiritual husband/demons. At night I wake up just to look after her. I see her making gestures with her hand and nodding her hand in agreement . Next she will open her legs. Also I am being attacked spiritually and Soo is my child. I experience bad dreams and dreams were my daughter has a spiritual husband. This spirit follows me everywhere I have relocated twice already because where I stay people tend to attack us.

– Flewethumn (Prayerrequest)

4. “A few days ago I had a spiritual husband in the face of my ex boyfriend sleeping with me. I woke up feeling so down. The same spiritual spouse married me in a very big ceremony two years ago in the dream, it even put two wedding rings on my finger and while that was happening I realized I was already married to my husband in the physical. I have noticed so many things are stagnant in my life. I can’t really pour out my heart but my life is a big mess.

– Diana (@dianahackett8930)

5. “Throughout my whole life i’ve had something or someone always attached to me. By age 6 i was already experiencing perversion. As i grew up, i became more perverse and the supernatrual stuff i’ve been experiencing increased. I grew up to the point where i was waking up with bruises and scratches on my body and having sexual dreams frequently… i always knew it was some kind of demon but my family told me i was crazy my entire life. There’s so many things that happened to me in my life that left that door open for those spiritual spouses its no wonder i’m hardly able to function. Recently i’ve been experiencing more freedom and less emotional drainage and more frequent restful nights. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

– Anonymous (@bitterpuppystew)

6. “I suffered from having sex in my dreams for years. I remember since when I was a teenager I used to have these kinds of dreams but since I didn’t know better I didn’t know the meaning. I would just brush them off and go with my day until 2020. In 2020 this dreams started being so frequent and so intense, I mean each and every night I used to find myself having sex in my dreams. Not just having sex in my dreams but having so many nightmares. I was like I don’t know what is going on and at some point I started being afraid of even entering my room. Because the moment I enter my room was the moment I started feeling things moving in my room and when I want to start praying, when I want to lift my hands and start worshiping, I would feel things touching all over me and things all over my body. I was like something is not right but with God’s strength I kept on moving I kept on going because I knew that something must change.

– Janine (Courtesy The overcomer’s mind)

7. “I’m 24 and I’ve been attacked by a spiritual husband after being molested at a very young age. As I grew up I started to experience sexual acts with others, which resulted in a lot of shame, shyness, and ultimately, awkwardness when it came to any type of romantic actions. It didn’t get aggressive/concerning until 2 years ago. The demon would disguise itself as my partner, but not 100%. Every time I got close to ending the scenario(marriage, having kids) a new scenario would be created and I would fall for it every time. About a week ago I asked God to take away these vivid dreams and to give me strength to think of Him as I sleep and when I rise. I have not had any intense dreams since and I’ve also seen the demon that kept creating these fantasies in my head!

– Anonymous (@naturalbutterfly2179)

8. “Okay so it’s pretty embarrassing to admit and I halfway don’t believe it myself, but I’m starting to think I might have a demon or something visiting me in my dreams based on the Tik Toks that constantly have been in my FYP. Long story short, I’ve always battled with lust. So it’s not too hard to see why I have the more “spicy” dreams from time to time. In the videos, the people say that if you have those dreams then it’s probably a demon and they are trying to be with you and they can become one with you/marry you in the spirit realm. Some even said that if you can feel it, as if you were actually with someone, in your dream then that’s the sign it’s not just a normal dream. Thing is I have never been with anyone in real life, but I can still physically feel a lot of the things in my dreams. Like I even wake up in physical pain at times after some dreams. I’ve even woken up feeling like I was being… touched in places and I’d be paralyzed but awake like sleep paralysis. I have felt as if someone were on top of me and…you know. I thought it was just a crazy case of sleep paralysis, but they said that it was another sign too. I’ve always battled with demonic dreams as well so this is why I’m getting scared that there might be something to what I keep hearing. I feel sick to my stomach. I prayed about it once before when I woke up one night pinned down and in physical pain. I haven’t had sleep paralysis since from what I can recall, but I do still have the dreams where I’m usually with someone I don’t know. I know it sounds crazy.

– Anonymous (DepthoftheSkies)

9. “This demon is very stubborn, it turned my life upside down chasing away every good man who tries to approach me for marriage. The only men who was interested in me are married men. Have faced rejection, stagnation, backwardness all kinds of bad things in life. I fasted and prayed seeking Gods mercy repenting all my sins and God heard me. One day i went to bed and something strange happened. A shaking took place where my body been shaken and immediately this demon jumped out from my bed vomited on the floor and said to me I’m the reason why your life is like this. I immediately woke up thanking God for setting me free and from that time my life changed.

– Jennifer (@jennifermuli9148)

10. “This has happened in my life. My marriage almost was on the verge of divorce because he always would tell me I am crazy until I ended up with a big bite mark on my calf and scratches on my back and thighs.

– Shaele (@shaele818)

11. “I’ve had many dreams of sexual relations with family and friends and they are very disturbing. Almost every night I have a sexually disturbing dream. I used to struggle with fornication for a lot of my young adult life. After a deliverance was done on me, I didn’t have the constant sexual dreams for awhile but then they came back. I didn’t know spiritual spouses were a thing and will now continue to deliver myself from any of those sick demons.

– Hannah (@hannahdonaldson9537)

12. “Only this spirit husband thing kept me from being married for years. If I ever had a relationship it would end badly, I also had dreams where I’ve felt like I’ve had sex. I needed it out of my life once and for all so I prayed to Jesus that he would remove this spirit from my life permanently. I fasted and prayed for one week and before the week was up I saw a vision of a demon digging it’s claws into my belly. In an instant it was gone, I woke up with three scratches on my back but the visitations stopped.

– Anonymous (Reddit)

13. “All along I have been dreaming someone sleeping with me. That night God revealed to me the monster that I was fighting. It came and attacked after my 3am prayers about 3 times in my dream. 1st time I only saw the lower parts of the spirit in form of a man but he was short. He tried to sleep with me but I tried to fight back, but then I lost all my strength in the process. The only words I could manage to mumble was JESUS for 3 times and it vanished. Within a short time, it was back and it was more angry and forcefully. This time it was up to serious business, and I remember shouting and saying IN THE NAME OF JESUS and it lost strength and vanished and this time around, I could not see it in the physical being, I could just feel it. For the 3rd time, it came. You know, this was the scariest moment I have ever had in my dream. I saw the full body and face of the thing that was fighting to sleep with me. Honestly speaking, I can’t describe the face with the right words, but it was a scary thing that was partly an animal and partly a human being. I got so terrified and I called Jesus because I could not think of praying at that moment. The only person that I knew would save my situation at that moment was my heavenly father and I called out loudly at his name. The spirit suddenly vanished and never came back. I felt so weak and at that moment l could not pray, I just said God take control, I have seen what I have asked that you show me, and I thanked him. When I woke up, I spent the whole day on prayer because what I saw was bigger than I imagined and even if I think of it today, I drag going to sleep. But thank God, as from that day, that thing has never come, I cancelled it forever.

– Gwen (@ngwenyatalent5276)

14. “The night I actually saw this thing I hated wet dreams even more. It was a half fish half woman, a very ugly demonic creature. They come through via any sexual sin. It is a stubborn spirit and it will still attack you during your fast but fast anyway it will leave. Abstain from sexual sin people, this thing takes everything away from you.

– Teelo (@teelo.3516 Youtube)

15. “I was violated at 15 and that year dreams of a type of vampiric man started. Constantly violating me, even sometimes I could feel it like in a sleep paralysis. I married my husband 13 years ago and I’ve not been with another man since then. We had our daughter without any issues but after I became a saved Christian we lost many pregnancies and never had another child. No medical issue ever was found. I now did talk to my husband about this. But these dreams are disturbing and none ever believed me that this is a problem. The last nights after inviting the Holy Spirit into my body the dreams have gone. But I’m sure I will have to stay on guard.

– Mileina Juarez (@MileinaJuarez Youtube)

16. “I had a lot of anger. I had a lot of bad thoughts. I always had bad dreams as well and that has been my dreams have been fighting in spirit. When the enemy comes I can fight I can pray and save fire of the Holy Spirit which I could never do so.

– Anonymous (Courtesy Val Wolff | Christ Healing Centre)

17. “My cousin had 2 daughters and was mid age. A demon was having sex with her, and she told my mother it was best she ever had. She was not born again, but this spirit kept her a prisoner in her home. If she had to go to grocery store, she hurried right back home, and was in a panic till she got back home. It raped her daily. She then found out it was happening to her daughters also. She had no power against it.

– Darlene Smith (@darlenesmith1605)

18. “There used to be a spirit of slumber in my life, during the day when I am home it will bring strong tiredness and I will fall asleep. Just before I fully sleep a certain spirit will come and molest me and this happened over a period of a year or a little over a year. I would wake up after few moments feeling that something has been in my body. I was not knowledgeable then in spiritual warfare but I did fast and prayed here and there and after some time it went away.

– Chummy (@ChummyK)

19. “I had no idea this was tormenting me for years! It went away for a time but tried recently to attack my dreams again lately. I understood the past few times what it was that was happening but thought maybe it was just a demonic spirit of lust. I am so grateful I am now armed with more knowledge and was able to truly renounce it. The first many years of my marriage were difficult because I was plagued in my dreams by these spirits and it was so difficult for me to dedicate myself wholly to my husband.

– Anonymous (@knz10639)

20. “When I was younger, I experienced this several times while I was sleeping. I can’t move while the incubus was on top of me…his ears are elongated and the nails are long that they appear all black like a shadow. I was struggling and was catching my breath at the time; he followed me anywhere during my sleep and the only way to stop them is thru prayers.

– Sweety (@Sweetykuori)

21. “I randomly get sexually abused and tormented by sleep paralysis right after time and time again and I AM TIRED. I don’t want this anymore. I pray about it but I feel so weak I feel like I don’t hate it enough but at the same time I don’t want this anymore.

– Anonymous (@brilliantplan)

Note: Some stories were taken from Reddit threads and Comments sections of Youtube videos. Also, stories have been edited for length/clarity.

Featured Image: AIHybrid via Deviantart

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