11 Signs Your Cancer Man Is Seeing Another Woman

Cancer being a water sign is known for its loyalty. Cancer men, in particular, are extremely attached to their partners, making it difficult for them to let go of their partners. However this extreme attachment can also be a reason why some cancer men cheat in relationships.

As I glared through the forums and a number of real life stories, there seems to be an undeniable number of cancer men who tend to start affairs, even when they have a loving wife. In fact I’ve also heard of many cancer men who are actually serial cheaters.

But, now the big question here is – How do you know when a cancer man is seeing someone else? Well, that’s what we are going to see today..

How to Tell If a Cancer Man is Seeing Another Woman? 11 Signs

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  1. The Blame game starts:

One of the most common signs that a cancer man might be seeing someone else, is when he starts playing the blame game. Yes, if your cancer man is blaming you lately, it could be a warning sign to pay attention to.

Cancer men, influenced by their ruling planet moon, are often emotionally sensitive and complex. Now when a cancer man cheats or thinks of cheating, he becomes emotionally fragile. As a result, he may become defensive and start blaming you as a self-protection mechanism.

Thus you could hear him saying things like “You made me feel this way” or “If you hadn’t done this, I wouldn’t have come home late.” etc. In fact, he twists and turns things, thus making you think that it is your fault, while portraying himself as the victim in the relationship. Hence such a pattern of regular blaming is a classic sign that he could be involved with someone else.

  1. Sharing Less About His Life:

Cancer men love spending time with their loved ones and sharing every detail of their lives. But what if he is sharing less and less information with you? Well, that could be something to be bothered about.

Yes, when a cancer man is romantically involved with another woman, he gradually tends to stop sharing his thoughts and daily activities with you. Having said that, if a cancer man becomes more and more secretive each day, while at the same time blaming you for all reasons, this is even more of an alarming sign.

  1. Affection Becomes random:

Another telltale sign that your cancer man is interested in someone else is when his affection becomes random and unexpected.

Cancer men in general are affectionate and crave intimacy in relationships. However, when he is seeing another woman, this affection only comes rarely and randomly.

As the sign ruled by the moon, the lunar phases of the moon can cause a cancer man’s feelings to change frequently. Thus with changing moods, a cancer man might be feeling down, and he might choose to show you how much he cares for you. The very next moment, when he starts feeling better, he might again shift his affection his affair partner.

Thus these random shifts in affection are often a sign that your cancer man could be seeing someone.

  1. Old Flames as Infidelity signs:

Is your cancer man still in touch with his old flames? Is his ex girlfriend still on his friends list? Is your cancer man occasionally meeting his ex-wife? If so, there is a significant chance that he may be maintaining parallel relationships.

While this may not apply for everyone, it’s a common pattern in the case of cancerians, who tend to cling to old relationships. Just open the web and have a look at online forums and discussion boards about cancer men. You can see countless stories of cancer men cheating with their exes and old girlfriends.

Due to the influence of Saturn, cancer men often tend to have a constant fear of loss. Combined with their deeply emotional and controlling nature, this can make it difficult for them to let go off the old relationships they have in their life. Thus no matter, how worse it got in the past, cancer men tend to return back to their exes constantly.

Therefore, if your cancer man is still in contact with one or more of his old flames, take this as a warning signal, especially considering cancer’s clingy nature in mind.

  1. He becomes less controlling as his protective nature fades:

Although cancer men are extremely loving, they are also quite controlling at the same time. This controlling nature is often a way for them to protect their loved ones, which can also make them possessive.

Now if your cancer man is no longer telling you what to do, If he is no longer being possessive about you, and If he is no longer trying to control or protect you, then it’s a clear sign that something is off. Of course, his change in behavior could very well be because of an ongoing affair too.

  1. Visible signs of Guilt:

Being a water sign, cancer men in general have more emotional depth. So if a cancer man is involved with another woman, he naturally feels guilty, which is often clearly visible in his actions.

His increasing guilt could manifest as sudden emotional breakdowns, irritability and anger, overcompensating by giving extra attention at odd times, etc. Thus such uncommon behaviors driven by guilt can be a strong indication of his wrong doings with another woman.

  1. He avoids discussion about your relationship:

This is another test you can try on your cancer man. Next time, when he isn’t busy, bring up a topic about your relationship. Say something like “We’ve been less affectionate lately” or “We’ve haven’t cuddled in a while” etc. Now see his reaction.

A normal cancer man won’t be able to ignore any issues in the relationship and thus will try to address them as soon as possible. However, If he brushes off your words, or simply side-steps the conversation instead of addressing the issues, then it can be considered quite unusual.

Yes, cancer men who cheat hate to confront issues due to their excess sensitivity. Thus such sidelining of emotional discussions can indeed be a sign that he’s emotionally invested in another woman.

  1. He spends less time at Home:

Personally, several women who dated cancer men, mentioned that cancerians who cheat, tend to spend more time outside their homes.

Cancer men are true homies. Usually, they are loyal family men who love spending most of their time at home with their family. Contrary, if your cancer man is spending less and less time at home, or regularly going out for unnatural reasons, then it could be a sign that your man is interested in someone else outside.

  1. He wants more alone time than usual:

Wondering why a cancer man would want more alone time? Well, it could be because he is trying to impress his side chick.

In general, a cancer man doesn’t enjoy being alone, considering his emotional nature and protective nature. Now contrarily, if your cancer man is increasingly preferring to be alone all the time, then it could be a sign that he’s involved with someone else.

  1. His charismatic side depletes:

If you have ever dated a cancer man, you could easily know how charming and magnetic he can be. However one needs to understand that his charm only lasts as long as he’s still in love with you.

Well, if your cancer man is investing more time and energy into another woman, then you would naturally become his second option. As a result, his charismatic side naturally fades towards you, making him more of an unemotional dull boy. Thus such a change in his charisma can be a sign that he is trying to impress someone else outside of the relationship.

  1. The cooked up stories:

Cancer men won’t lie in general due to their emotional and nurturing nature. However as already said, cancer men can easily become defensive as a means of self-protective mechanism. Hence if he is seeing someone else, his defensiveness may often result in lies and cooked up stories, as a result of his excessive shame and fear.

Therefore, if you notice your cancer man telling unnatural cooked up stories more often lately, this could be a smoking gun indicating the presence of another woman.

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